Start Planning Your Migration to AWS

Presented by IMT & AWS
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Learn how migrating MDM to
AWS delivers benefits in security,
reliability and flexibility.

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn about key benefits and considerations when migrating your Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI/MDM) or Provider Registry to AWS.

Larry Sylvestre, Canada Healthcare Leader, AWS joins John Wieler, VP of IMT Cloud & Managed Services and Jim Dafnis, Client Engagement Lead for IMT Cloud & Managed Services to discuss the important operational and cost considerations and benefits when planning your cloud migration strategy.

Topics include:

  • IMT AWS Partnership and Cloud Center of Excellence
  • AWS for Healthcare – Value and Benefits
  • IMT’s Approach to MDM on AWS
  • Security and Privacy Considerations
  • Migrating Data Safely and Securely
  • IMT’s Managed Services Offerings on AWS
Session Presenters:
Larry Sylvestre Healthcare Leader AWS Canada

Larry Sylvestre
Healthcare Leader AWS Canada

Jim Dafnis IMT Cloud & Managed Services

Jim Dafnis
IMT Cloud & Managed Services

John Wieler IMT Cloud & Managed Services

John Wieler
IMT Cloud & Managed Services

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